This arrangement of activities is my go-to routine for helping people to relieve from back pain rapidly. This routine incorporates progressions and modifications, and it is appropriate for active and less active people alike.
But, it is important to know the root causes of your back pain.
- Lack of hip strength
- Lack of hip mobility
- Lack of spinal ability
- Lack of core strength
Means, for long-term back pain relief, you have to focus on some exercises that address all four.
Today, we are concentrating on stretching the muscles that associate with your lower back and engaging in the contradicting muscle groups. The stretches will focus on your hips, and the muscles that interface with your spine, and the muscle participating in activities will focus on your center and glutes. It’s important to include both strengths and stretches because, even though stretching feels great at the time, stretching alone is setting yourself up for increasingly back pain. You need to address the weak area adding to your back pain also, and you can do that with some strengthening exercise.
This routine begins off lying on your back; we will do an initial couple of warm asanas from that position. Lying on your back is an extraordinary position for stomach muscle practices since it enables your spine to maintain a neutral position and avoid inappropriately using of your back.
Yoga Poses for Back Pain
- Cat/Cow Pose — 1 to 3 minutes
Cat and cow pose is the best asana for stretching the back. It allows a pleasant flexion and expansion of the spine, advances versatility, and “it additionally serves to calm any pressure in the lower back simply. Cat/Cow pose familiar you with your natural spine shape — not much curve —which can give you proper posture.
- Come on the Table Top Position
- Take a Breath in, and on the breath out, arch your spine upwards and chin towards the chest (“cat” posture).
- Breath in, head and chest UP toward the ceiling as arch your spine downward (“cow” posture)
2. Child Pose — 1 to 3 minutes
Child’s Pose releases the stiffness from your lower back by elongate and aligns the spine, which gives you a proper stretch.
- Knees on the mat with your knees apart and your toes together from the back. Take a breath in and out; put your abdomen over your thighs.
- Release Neck, Spine & Head from the shoulder by lengthen them.
- Rest your head on the mat, with your hands in front of the mat.
3. Cobra Pose – 1 to 3minutes
Cobra pose gives curve on the lower back. It also contracts your abdomen a bit, which gives support to the lower back.
- Go in lying position, stretch your legs out with feet together.
- Place your forearm on the mat, and your hands are just beside your chest.
- Inhale and straighten your spine and lift to the naval portion.
- Don’t force yourself, feel a gentle stretch in your lower back. Stop immediately if you feel any pain.
4. Knee to Chest — 1to 3minutes
Moving Left to the right in Knee to chest position gives you basic stretch because it gives massage to you by own body weight.
- Go in Supine position.
- Hug your both knees & try to touch towards your chest.
- Slowly start rolling left and right sides while holding your legs or knees.